


Julian Higuita
Our team is aware of the environmental, economic and socio-cultural impacts generated by tourism, and is one hundred percent committed to sustainability; therefore, policies are implemented to comply with the standard. 

- To fully comply with the requirements of NTS-TS 003 Travel Agency. 

- Prevent and counteract exploitation, pornography and sex tourism involving children and adolescents.

- Develop programs and control guidelines for water and energy consumption, carry out an integrated management of solid waste in order to comply with sustainability policies, progressing in a better performance. 

- We are committed to protecting the environment. 

- Respectfully handle information about the different attractions and activities related to the country's cultural heritage and promote their visit. 

- Periodically train employees on environmental responsibility awareness and sensitization. 

- Priority will be given to hiring employees from local communities contracted by the agency. 

- Protect against illegal trafficking of flora and fauna. 

- Direct and indirect hiring of minors is restricted. 

- All types of racial, social, religious, etc. discrimination are prohibited. For labor contracting. 

- Promote the purchase and consumption of goods and services produced and marketed by the local community of the destinations operated. 

Aware of the importance of maintaining sustainable tourism development, and assuming the principles adopted specifically in the Sectoral Technical Standard NTS-TS 003, ECOVENTURE SAS travel agency is committed to

specifically in the Sectoral Technical Standard NTS-TS 003, ECOVENTURE SAS travel agency is committed to carry out a sustainable management of its activities, through the adoption of commitments aimed at preventing, eliminating or reducing the impact of our facilities and activities in the destinations we offer in our portfolio of services, as well as optimizing the sustainability of ECOVENTURE SAS travel agency, improving its behavior with the environment.

In the same sense, our travel agency ECOVENTURE SAS has adopted the following sustainable tourism policy, through which it is committed to meet the requirements established in the Sectoral Technical Standard NTS-TS 003, which includes, among others, the legal requirements that regulate the effects generated by tourism activities. Likewise, we are committed to motivate and train our staff with training and awareness actions on the principles of sustainable tourism, to promote good environmental practices in the environment, to participate in external activities, and to report both internally and externally on the progress and environmental actions of the company.

One of our main objectives is to improve sustainable management, assuming commitments to continuous improvement in all areas of sustainability: socio-cultural, economic and environmental, as well as customer satisfaction. To this end, projects for future expansions of facilities or activities will be subject to criteria of sustainability and efficiency in the use of resources.

This sustainable tourism policy will be updated whenever circumstances require it, adopting and publishing new sustainability objectives in both cases.


- When planning your trip, choose suppliers that offer guarantees of quality and respect for human rights and the environment.

- Use natural resources, such as water and energy, sparingly. Remember that these are scarce goods.

- Try to minimize waste generation. They are a source of pollution.

- When you have to dispose of waste, do it in the cleanest way that your destination provides.

- In a natural area, make sure that the only footprint you leave behind is that of your footwear.

- If you visit sensitive ecosystems, such as coral reefs or rainforests, find out how to do so in order to cause the least possible impact and not degrade them.

- When buying gifts and souvenirs, look for products that are an expression of local culture. You will favor the economy of your host villages and cultural diversity.

- Do not purchase flora and fauna protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), nor products derived from these species. It is a crime and contributes to their extinction.

- At your destination, enjoy getting to know the culture, customs, gastronomy and traditions of the local populations. Respect them and get close to them, they have a lot to tell you.

- Try to contribute with your presence to the development of a responsible and sustainable tourism, building with your trip a healthier and more solidary planet.

- By following these ten recommendations, you will contribute to the conservation of the Earth's biological wealth and improve the development opportunities of many people.

- The sexual exploitation and abuse of minors is punishable by deprivation of liberty, in accordance with the provisions of Law 679 of 2001″.

Reviewed and approved (Agency Management - Sustainability Leader)